Ferns - Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union

Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union
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Branch News from Ferns Area

Ardamine/Kilnamanagh: Founded 1964

Some members of the Branch attended the Mary Sumner Day celebrations at the Rectory in Bunclody in August. This was a wonderful occasion when members from all around the United Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory got an opportunity to meet up again and reconnect with their Mothers' union friends

Some members from the Branch attended the Festival Service in St. Peter's Church, Kiltegan on Monday April 8th. During the refreshments after the service , Mabel Besanson was presented with her prize for the prayer she composed to celebrate Annabella Hayes Day.

Ballycanew/Leskinfere/Monamolin: Founded 1945

The Branch remains very active supporting many Mothers' Union projects. Naomi Besanson, from the Branch, has very kindly taken over the Mothers' Union Enterprise stall and is very willing to travel to different events. Contact details for Naomi can be found on the Home Page of the website.

A number of members from the Branch helped at the Baby Changing and Feeding facilities at the Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska. This facility is greatly appreciated by parents/guardians of babies and toddlers attending the ploughing.

The Branch held their opening service for 2023/4 on Tuesday 3rd October in St. Mogue's Church, Ballycanew. This was a service of Holy Communion.

The Branch held an American Tea Party on Tuesday 12th March in aid of Mothers' Union projects. During the tea party Naomi Besanson received a presentation from MU members for her work as Branch Chairperson.

On Monday 15th April the Branch met in Gorey Park for a meet and walk followed by tea/coffee

Bunclody Branch: Founded 1941

We are delighted to welcome Valerie Power and Kathleen Rothwell from the Branch on to the Trustee Board of Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union. The Mary Sumner Day, 9th August 2023, celebrations were hosted in the marquee at the Rectory in Bunclody. It was a lovely afternoon of fellowship, reconnecting and delicious food. Everyone enjoyed sampling the lovely cakes entered in the competition "A Victoria sponge with a Twist".

The Branch held a very successful meeting on mindfulness and self-care in early October, which was presented by Ms Catherine Callaghan.

Bunclody Branch held their Mothers' Union lunch just before Christmas in Conway's Restaurant in Kildavin. they enjoyed good food, fellowship and laughter.

Members from the Branch attended the "Big Hymn Sing" in Kilkenny

Enniscorthy Branch: Founded 1904

The Branch remains active and members often attend meetings and "get together's" organised by Killanne/Killegney Branch

Claudia Kidd organised a collection in aid of Wexford Women's Refuge. They were delighted to donate € 380 in vouchers for Dunnes Stores and Tesco along with beautiful gift sets and toys for the children.

Ferns: Founded 1932
The Branch is currently dormant

Gorey/Hollyfort Branch: Founded 1932

Sadly, Gorey Branch is also currently dormant but we are delighted that some former members have now joined as Diocesan members and actively support Mothers' Union projects and events in the Diocese.

Killanne/Killegney Branch: Founded 1944
In February the Branch was sorry to say good bye to the Revd. Canon Ian Cruickshank and his wife Donna who were wonderful supporters of Mothers' Union. Canon Ian was the Diocesan Chaplain and Donna was the Branch Leader. Margaret James kindly agreed to take over as Branch Leader.

The Branch has recently enjoyed some wonderful afternoons of fun, fellowship and delicious afternoon teas ~ a visit to Collaught gardens when the laburnam arch was in full bloom, a demonstration of creating beautiful pots by Gayle James and a delicious lunch organised at the home of Anne Warren.

The Branch continues to support the Women's Refuge in Wexford collecting toiletries. toys etc. at their meeting in November each year. We were delighted to welcome Karen Mooney, a team leader from the Refuge in Wexford to our November meeting. She told us all about the work of the refuge and the plans for the new refuge which is currently under construction. Margaret James, Branch Leader presented Karen with € 400 worth of vouchers, the money for which was raised at a Harvest Songs of Praise in St. Colman's Church, Templeshanbo. members also brought along gifts of toiletries, knit ware etc. for the refuge.

Killanne/Killegney Branch enjoyed a Christmas Get Together in the home of Iris Tector on 13th December. It was a lovely afternoon of fun, fellowship and delicious food.


In January 2024 the Branch met in the home of Margaret Jacob for afternoon tea and they watch some videos that were created for the Annual Gatherings in 2022 and 2023. the branch also enjoyed watching a video of the Flower Festival held in St. Colman's Templeshanbo in 2015.

The Branch was formed eighty years ago this year and a "Big Hymn Sing" was held in St. Colman's Church, Templeshanbo, to celebrate the occasion and to raise funds for "Mums in May". During the service, which was led by Revd. Canon Trevor Sargent, long service certificates were presented to Joan Dier (60 years) and Iris Tector (58 years). The special preacher at the service was Janet Crampton and also in attendance was the Diocesan Chaplain, Revd. Ger James, and Revd. Paul Redfern, who is doing holiday duty in the Union.

The large attendance at the service sang the ten chosen hymns with gusto and they enjoyed refreshments afterwards in the parish hall. The celebration cake was cut by Joan and Iris.

New Ross/Fethard-on-Sea: Founded 1952

Wexford Branch: Founded 1892

Representatives from the Diocese
at The Triennial Training Weekend

Bunclody Branch celebrating at Christmas 2023

Enniscorthy Branch collected for the Womens' Refuge
in Wexford

Alison gives a pottery demonstration

Killanne & Killegney Branch enjoying fellowship and delicious food

Killanne/Killegney Branch Supporting the Women's Refuge in Wexford

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